Some kind of Christmas thing.
I was visited today by Christians. In Japan, I didn't think they had them here, they always come at the best time, just as I was getting out of the shower they rang my door bell, I don't get many visitors, so I opened the door. They spoke English, they said they look at the mail boxes to find their prey, it was funny cause this country is a mainly Shinto/Buddhist place, so I wonder how Japanese folks would react if someone rocked up at their door telling them to change their faith to some wacky foreign one.....sure, got nothing else to do today. I don't know what their purpose was really, cause I think most foreigners would be sorta Christians anyway, what's there to achieve? Still they gave me a book "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived", I think it's about Jesus, the twisted part is that George Bush claims to be a Christian.
The spirit of Christmas is definitely here, I worked today, and I'm working tomorrow. I had an interesting conversation with some students about religion and what Christmas means in Japan. It's more like a festival to them, some kind of party thing, which is what it should be. They also told me some cool Buddhist philosophy, well it might not sound so cool, but "everything is temporary, always changing, so there's no need to get too worried about anything", or something like that, so chill out, enjoy, no matter what you do, you're gonna end up dead. So a happy Festivus to the rest of us.
Pretty brief eh? Try and find some meaning in that. Fascists.
The spirit of Christmas is definitely here, I worked today, and I'm working tomorrow. I had an interesting conversation with some students about religion and what Christmas means in Japan. It's more like a festival to them, some kind of party thing, which is what it should be. They also told me some cool Buddhist philosophy, well it might not sound so cool, but "everything is temporary, always changing, so there's no need to get too worried about anything", or something like that, so chill out, enjoy, no matter what you do, you're gonna end up dead. So a happy Festivus to the rest of us.
Pretty brief eh? Try and find some meaning in that. Fascists.