24 December, 2005

Some kind of Christmas thing.

I was visited today by Christians. In Japan, I didn't think they had them here, they always come at the best time, just as I was getting out of the shower they rang my door bell, I don't get many visitors, so I opened the door. They spoke English, they said they look at the mail boxes to find their prey, it was funny cause this country is a mainly Shinto/Buddhist place, so I wonder how Japanese folks would react if someone rocked up at their door telling them to change their faith to some wacky foreign one.....sure, got nothing else to do today. I don't know what their purpose was really, cause I think most foreigners would be sorta Christians anyway, what's there to achieve? Still they gave me a book "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived", I think it's about Jesus, the twisted part is that George Bush claims to be a Christian.
The spirit of Christmas is definitely here, I worked today, and I'm working tomorrow. I had an interesting conversation with some students about religion and what Christmas means in Japan. It's more like a festival to them, some kind of party thing, which is what it should be. They also told me some cool Buddhist philosophy, well it might not sound so cool, but "everything is temporary, always changing, so there's no need to get too worried about anything", or something like that, so chill out, enjoy, no matter what you do, you're gonna end up dead. So a happy Festivus to the rest of us.
Pretty brief eh? Try and find some meaning in that. Fascists.

14 December, 2005


Well I thought I might write in my blog for a change. Some exciting news, I moved rooms, I'm very happy about this, I get light in my room now. The small luxuries are all I ask for, so I can wake up naturally instead of having no clue weather it's midnight or midday.
I went to see the Pixies play on Sunday night, that was pretty cool, though I saw them play last year in Denmark, maybe they were better this time, I like the smaller stage more, you can actually see the band. I also saw this dude from New York, Elliot Sharp, it was interesting, he played his crazy eight string guitar, while this Japanese girl played these big wooden instruments, there were only about 30 people there which was nice. The place he played was well hidden, I finally found it after some serious searching, even the police had no idea where it was, turns out it was in a basement carpark, I went down, then found a little door, inside was a little bar. It looked like they just walled off part of the carpark to make this bar, anyway.
Yesterday I went on a little mission to try to organise a skiing trip over Christmas, I've seen a few places around, but I'm often too scared to go in. Though as I found out they are usually more scared than me, I went in to this one place, which was recommended to me. There were about 7-8 girls working there, I might as well have walked in naked covered in blood with an axe with chunks of human flesh stuck to it in my hand, while screaming satanic chants, cause by the look on their faces they thought I was doing just that. So I asked the first girl if there was anyone who spoke English here. She said no. So I asked her(in English) if there was another travel agent of the same name around here, then she told me I had to go out and down the stairs and over the street then walk up a bit(in English). Pretty good for someone who doesn't speak English. After that I wasn't afraid to walk into another place, so I found one not far away with a helpful woman who explained everything and gave me some pamphlets which I am currently trying to decipher. It's mostly in the 3 Japanese alphabets, except for the heading "BUS INFORMATION", some bits that are easy to understand are "rifuto"(lift), "rentaru chyoisu puran"(rental choice plan), "sukii sukuuru"(ski School), and "maikaa"(my car), which means it's cheaper if you drive yourself. So I'll go back to the place today and book something, it should be fun....been years since I've done anything like this.
I was also planning on getting a haircut today, I'm always scared of these things, I never get what I want, but I've been thinking about this for a month or so, there's a joint which costs 1000yen (AU$12.50, £5, 60NOK), you pay at a machine, then the deal is they cut it in 10 minutes.....hehehe. I've seen some dudes who've been there. We'll see. Well that just about wraps it up for today.