Fortryllet Svinekjøtt Knyttneve
Sometimes I think I'm lucky, even though I get the shits with Copenhagen, it's not that bad, I work 5 minutes from home, and I get to ride my bike there, through these old streets, all crooked and with cobblestones, the kind of shit people travel far to look at. My room isn't that bad either, good size, nice wooden floor, and a view of the roof of the national museum. I don't have curtains, don't need them, and now that the Earth is at the right angle for the sun to reach us I get the sun on my face at about 7 in the morning, better than an alarm clock. Winter is the worst time to try to wake up, all the darkness, there's no way you can believe it's not still midnight. These days I'm well aware that it's day, I lie there sometimes wondering when the alarm clock will go off, thinking I might've forgotten to set it and it's 11am or something, but then I look at it and see it's only 5.30. That's one of the worst things I think, well, not the worst, but if you wake up and look at the clock and see you only have 30 minutes you start thinking about it too much and can't actually enjoy the last half hour. Then again the alarm abruptly rips you from sleep, I have music now, which is best, Edvard Grieg starts with the morgenstemning song from Peer Gynt, sometimes it quietly creeps into my dream, suddenly there will be a radio in the dream and I can here the song, I'll try to change the channel, but it doesn't work, no problem, it's the kind of song you want to wake up to, nice and soft in the beginning, and then it builds up, but it's too short. I used to dream of waking up in a field of colourful flowers on a warm day, maybe naked, wondering how I got there while this music was playing in the background, there might even be some rabbits and other forest creatures sitting round me. I had a clock when I was young that just had this horrendous beeping, it was like having a heart attack every morning, then there was some ad on TV that had a whole bunch of clocks ringing, one of them had the same sound as mine, and so I had another heart attack every time I heard it, so these days it's Grieg, and after 10 minutes my phone starts beeping, but by then I'm expecting it coz it's just before the Dovregubbens hall kicks in, and that's all action. Is the conductor really necessary in an orchestra? I does look like he's just freaking out in his own little world, thinks he's a transformer or something. Dunno what my point is, never do, I just wanted to say that it's ok, all these small things make it pretty nice, they're easy to miss, and you end up focusing on all the crappy things in between. Sometimes we get too tangled up wondering about the future, or regretting shit from the past and forget to enjoy now, I know I do, some days I just sit home, doing nothing coz I know the action is tomorrow, but yeah, I could die, the action should be today. This is the result of me attempting to write something positive.....