Goodbye mum. Sorry.
I had a nice evening tonight, after work I met my Japanese exchange/teacher, I was doing ok, I actually managed to put some decent sentences together, seemed like I made sense, still a long way to go, but it's something. I suck at listening, once the pace picks up I'm lost. Then I left and went home, on the way home I ran into a girl I met a few weeks ago, she asked me if I wanted to go with her and her friends to some club, but I was feeling like a bit of a sloth, I stumbled for an excuse, but all I could say was "I'll call if I decide to come (since she gave me her number last time, but I never called), but don't wait for it." Then I got home and checked my email and found out my mum died today. Sorry to just throw it in so bluntly there, it's a shock for me too, I'm still not sure what's going on. Guess it means my plans will be changing, kind of hard to believe, well not kind of, it is, I thought she'd be around for years. I feel a bit bad about it, we hadn't spoken since I left Australia, not a word, not even an email, in nearly 3 months, I was pissed off at her, I've been mad at her for a few years. We kind of drifted apart, I think she saw too much of my dad in me, and passed on her resentment of him to me. I don't know why I was mad at her, it just built up over the years, she worked too hard, always, ever since we were young, she was always at work. I feel I was jealous when other people's mums paid too much attention to them, like my ex girlfriend, who spoke to her parents everyday, yet she seemed irritated about it, yet I was waiting for my phone call every 6 months or so, then I was too hostile to open up. I never knew what to say. Don't take things for granted, at least the last thing I did was give her a hug at the airport and say bye. I wasn't going to publish this, maybe it's wrong for me to write this here, but it still feels like a dream, I opened the email from my dad, and there it was, I walked around the room, read it a few times, thought maybe it was some kind of weird joke, maybe a dream or something. I have no permanent phone, so no one called me, I'm glad it was written in black and white though, better than being told there's something bad and I have to call now. Then I organised skype for a phone call, and it was reality. Death, it could happen to anyone at anytime, make sure you enjoy the moment.
Goodbye mum. Thanks for everything.
Goodbye mum. Thanks for everything.
Eg kan ikkje forestilla meg kordan det e for deg, men ikkje ha dårlig samvittighet for at du ikkje prata med mora di, det som har skjedd har skjedd, og det var ingen sin feil. Du e ein fantastisk snill og god person, og alle som e heldige nok te å bli kjent med deg e bare glade for å ha fått den muligheten. Eg tror nok mora di var utrolig stolt av deg. Mennesker e dårlige te å fortella kvarandre at de e glade i hverandre, spesielt foreldre og barn. Selv om dåkke ikkje hadde prata så vett eg at morå di visste at du var glad i henna, og eg vett at hu var glad i deg. Eg vett ikkje ka som skjer itte noen dør, men om hu kunne sett deg nå så ville hun nok sagt at du ikkje må væra lei deg for det vonda som var mellom dåkke, bare huska det goda. Om det e noe som helst så husk at eg e her, bare å ringa.
She knew you loved her, don't worry. That's tough to hear that type of news. It reminds it can happen anytime, to anyone...Don't be too hard on yourself.
Hey Pannekake, tragic news, really sorry to hear 'bout your Mum. Hope you're coping ok and keeping your head up. Dude, we should catch up for a beer sometime. I've really enjoyed reading your posts. Only get 'round to reading them from time to time. Take care. See you sometime soon. And hey, dunno if this helps, but your Mum took a chance when she received this dodgy call from me, a stranger, looking you up when I came to Newcastle in 2000. She seemed reluctant, so as to protect you ( I could've been - am? - a weirdo) anyway, I got the details. Regardless of how you may have felt towards her - anger or resentment or confusion, whatever, as a parent myself, I know, she loved you, without question, compromise, whatever - dude, keep your chin up - she would've been really proud of who you are, what you've become, and how you look at the world. Keep up the good work and be yourself. You're doin' a remarkable job encouraging us viewers on the sidelines, admiring your open, honest, and frank observations of the world. Dude, don't change a bit, and keep it real. Adios my friend. Matt.
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