31 August, 2005

Deja vu

Ko Phi Phi, I was here last year, but now it looks different, it got pretty well flattened by the tsunami, so my favourite restaurant is gone, but the place I was staying is ok, so I guess I would've been ok......
One crazy thing about this country is that they don't turn off their engines when filling up the car, twice now I've been to a petrol station and seen this. I reckon if anarchy broke out in this country no one would really notice. I hired a motorbike yesterday, that was pretty cool, riding atround the place, it makes me feel like the terminator. I went to a temple with 1200 steps to the top, man, I didn't think that was much, but especially in this heat, I was the master of sweat when I got up there. On the way I met a french dude, we wandered around the forest together, then I took him on my bike to see some waterfall, but it was further than we thought, and kind of hard to find, nice ride though. On the way back it started to rain, so we had to seek shelter with some thai farmers in their little shack thing on the side of the road. They were just hanging out drinking whiskey, only one of them could speak english, very badly. So there we were sitting with these dudes, having a half baked conversation with one of them, while the other 3 watched, I had to use alot of hand signs and sound affects, I think the other guys were sittin there thinkin "what the fuck is this guy on about?".
Another funny thing, well there's heaps, I was wandering about drinking a beer, and I went into this bar area, with all these kind of hooker chicks(they hang out in bars and guys pay to take em home), as soon as I walked in this table of girls starts calling out, so I scooted to another part, where 2 more confronted me, I got past them, then this pretty large solid looking girl came over, she asked if I wanted to sit and talk, I said no thanks and I was gonna go home to sleep, then she started trying to grab my balls.....Then I went outside and sat by the beach to enjoy my beer and contemplate a bit, then a young thai dude came and sat next to me. I try to have another half baked conversation with him, then his friend comes and sits on the othetr side of me, his english is worse, then he puts his hand on my leg, very high up, i thought "guess he's just a friendly guy" and moved away a bit. Then he goes for the full on grab of my nads, saying "I love you", while the other guy is sitting there laughing. I figure it's time to go and excuse myself, and head home. But it's not all fags and that stuff, these are just the funny things I like to write here. Lot's of Israelis here. I love the Thai English, you can buy friend noodles, or french friend, or the shop near here sells fruit sharks, sometimes on the same sign or menu they spell the same word differently, but then my Thai is pretty lame.

28 August, 2005

oh man

So I arrived in Thailand, folks here se you like a walking cash machine, as soon as I got off the bus some dud3e grabs me asking me where I want to go, I said Songkhla, so he throws me on the back of this motorbike, I was thinking he was gonna take me to some other bus, coz I knew it wasn't far, after a few minutes I ask him to stop so I can piss, then I ask him what's the plan. He says we are going to ride all the way on the bike, and it's gonna cost me 300 baht, which isn't much, but I was a bit bummed about not being asked what I wanted. Then he took me to a travel agent who starts telling me it'll cost B500 for a bus thing. So i walked away, started makingmy way back to town, then a tuk tuk driver(like a small truck with the back made into seats) pulls up, I think they have this idea that westerners don't walk anywhere, and are always looking to buy something. He then took me to a place, and I found a van going there for B24, on the way back was even cheaper, in this funky disco bus thing they have with crappy thai pop music blaring out. I have no idea what day it is, but I think it's sunday. I stayed one day in Songkhla, got sunburnt(mong), and swam at the beach. After I read that the beach is no good for bathing, seemed fine to me, few jelly fish, but they were cool, the thai's were swimming, the kids were catching and disecting jelly fish.
It was pretty quiet there, so I ended up coming to Ao Nang, where I was last year, they didn't get too hard hit by the tsunami, though thuis place is pretty lame, even lamer without my compadre Marton, all the shop signs are in swedish for the tourists, makes me feel a bit weird, swedish meatballs in all the restaurants.....I dunno, I like sweden, but it's the same as seeing Australian bars everywhere, it's just not right.
The car ride here was something, the driver overtakes on double lines, going up a hill towards a crest, I hold on for my life and he laughs and looks at his friend when we make it through, at other times the car on the other side is forced to pulloff the road to avoid us. Anyway, enough rambling, does anyone read this anyway???

26 August, 2005


Tonight I'm taking the night bus to Thailand, kind of funny coz I've been here and there before, should try to see if there's any difference after the tsunami, maybe less swedes........(hoping). Kuala Lumpur is like a big feast for me, I just walk around eating food, it's all nice and cheap.
I went for a wander the other night, got a bit lost, partly due to the fact that the block I was walking around was triangular, not square as I thought, so I kept appearing on the same street. It was a dodgy area, then I passed a man with makeup on, I think he was trying to be a transvestite, but I won't give him any credit. So he says hello, I say hello and try to get away quickly, then he follows me a bit and starts offering me a massage. I'm saying no thanks, I'm tired and want to go to bed, but what I really meant was "please, you're scaring me", what a beast. So I got away, found my way back home, got offered more massages by some crusty looking hookers "No sex, just massage, hey! Don't walk away while I'm talking to you".....what a place.
Another guy came up to me in a shop, you've got to be careful, they're all trying to get something. He says I have the sign of luck on my forhead, so I started trying to rub it off. Then he takes my hand and starts reading my palm, telling me I'm gonna have some luck next month, which I already knew, cause everyday is lucky for me.......he spends about 15 minutes on me, at one stage he wrote some stuff on paper and made me hold it in my left hand while he read the right, then after i had to read the paper and see that all the stuff I told him was already written on the paper, but I don't remember if I told him that before he gave me the paper, at the end he asked me for RM300(AU$100, NOK500), what the hell, I gave him RM10(AU$3, NOK15), he was lucky to get that. I don't remember ordering this service. He looked a bit dissapointed.
And so today I met a Indian dude called Nev, who wanted to show me around, he turned out ok, you gotta watch em though, try to figure out what their mission is, he just wanted to hang out. We tried to go up Petronas Towers, which are those 2 big towers from that movies with Sean Connery(I think), but it was booked solid, no gettin up there. Still I recommend this place, it's allright. Tasty.

23 August, 2005

We sail tonight for Singapore....

Man, I was stressing getting ready for this trip, I didn't really want to go, had all this anxiety about it, it's always the way, after you stay in a place for a while you don't wanna leave. But now that I'm here I feel fine. Feel like I've been here for ages. It's not bad, except i wanted to store most of my stuff at the airport, but Singapore Airport isn't cheap, so it would've cost too much to store it. So I decided to bring it to the hostel, I think it's 30 kgs of stuff, and it was hot as hell once I walked outside the airport, not a nice trip to the hostel.....I think I'll go to Malaysia tommorrow, basically the same shit, just more rats there and cheaper.

19 August, 2005

Welcome aboard

This is my first post, on the advice of James Morris I've started a blog, since I suck at writing emails....Anyway, packing up my shit now for this Japan mission, everytime I leave a place it seems to get harder, feeling sentimental, doesn't help listening to Tom Waits, I hate packing and moving.
Hei til alle som leser det fra norge, tenkte å skrive på engelsk siden alle forstår det, men kanskje litt på norsk, jeg trenger å øve meg.
Oh yeah, just for the record, today's my birthday, and the princess of Norway's.