Sorry for my last rant on the Malaysian Bus driver, I got distracted and it dragged on....Anyway, I'll keep this one short. It's pretty cool here, just finding stuff out, I'm taking it kind of slowly, it's a big place here, so it's hard to find where to start. I start the job today, so I've got pants and tie on....I think I look alright. Pretty hot though, I know I always go on about the heat, it's not my thing, I sweat too easily. I've heard different things about this job, mostly it's along the lines of they are fascists, maybe I should've stayed at Allkopi and Dangaard, pretty mellow jobs. Anyway, I find out today. It's hard to type on these computers, the space bar is tiny, and next to it is a button that turns everything to Japanese, so suddenly I see I've written whole sentences in it.....that'll do.
Enjoying the ranting. Keep it up.
(Blue Iguana Beach House Nov97)
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