23 September, 2005

Complaints about sweat

So no one wants to hear my sweaty tales, that's ok, cause it's cooling down. Bring on the winter. I went for a walk yesterday and realised I live in the middle of nowhere, well I already knew that, but it's now official, the nearest thing to a park is this patch of dirt down the road, I think in this area Oslo is the winner, there was an abundance of parks right near my place, but as far as beer prices are concerned, Japan is the winner.
Apparently I've got a week off between Christmas and new years, so if anyone's in the area I'm up for action. Work's fine also. Been doing some Japanese studying at home, still got no idea, though I'm getting there, I think it's kind of easy, just getting the words to stick in my mind, I hear words I've learnt around. I got so much praise for learning Norwegian, but now that I think of it it was easy as piss, just like crooked English, did I mention that before??? A funny thing here is the service in shops, they say hello, and thankyou about a million times, and read out the prices and the total as they scan everything, then say some more stuff, I just stand there and smile. I got a card the other day, I think it was because I didn't take a bag, I only bought one thing, but I was scared to take my own bag before in case it was another feaux pa
(how do you spell it?), but now i take my own bag, I'm wondering what I get when I collect enough stamps.....probably a free bag.
On my second day I arrived at 5 o'clock for my shift, and they looked a bit freaked out there, apparently I was supposed to start at 1.20, but I was sure I read my time table 3 times to make sure it was right. I was bummed out that I could make such a dumb mistake, then I got home and checked again and it did say 5, So I told the boss and had to fax through a copy of it. Then she faxes through some other thing I apparently signed which said I did start at 1.20, why they gave me the sheet with 5 on it I don't know. So now they're penalising me 2 hours work, you live and learn. Rule 1- the fascists are always right and they keep their hands clean.

16 September, 2005

Workin again

Had my first day on the job today, it went allright,except I was out last night with some work folks, on the way home I met some guys who live in my building,they knew who I was, I had no idea, they are english teachers too, so no Japanese connection. They took me to Karaoke, and I didn't get home til late(4am), so I was a bit tired at work, but I had the whole day to sleep. The job consists mainly of trying to keep these japs speaking for 40 mins. One part is just hanging out in the voice room, which is where they get to practice English, I get paid for sitting talking to a dude, not bad. They are very cute people here, maybe more the girls, but it's funny, I feel pretty big in Japan. Around here is kind of funny, people hang out with these kind of Mad Max 3 style Tina Turner mullets, all bleached and puffy, and they look like they've been painted with fake tan.....
I have a phone number if anyone wantsto ring me +81 (0) 448521856, and my address is-
216-0007 Kanagawa-ken
2-11-7 Kodai
#109 Kikyo Bldg Dai 3
Pretty long eh? All folks are welcome to visit me....thanks to everyone leavin comments......It's too hard to type on this keyboard.

11 September, 2005


Sorry for my last rant on the Malaysian Bus driver, I got distracted and it dragged on....Anyway, I'll keep this one short. It's pretty cool here, just finding stuff out, I'm taking it kind of slowly, it's a big place here, so it's hard to find where to start. I start the job today, so I've got pants and tie on....I think I look alright. Pretty hot though, I know I always go on about the heat, it's not my thing, I sweat too easily. I've heard different things about this job, mostly it's along the lines of they are fascists, maybe I should've stayed at Allkopi and Dangaard, pretty mellow jobs. Anyway, I find out today. It's hard to type on these computers, the space bar is tiny, and next to it is a button that turns everything to Japanese, so suddenly I see I've written whole sentences in it.....that'll do.

08 September, 2005


Trynna figure things out here, everything comes up in Japanese, probably cause I'm in Japan. I arrived yesterday, hoped it would be a little cooler, not as sweaty as Malaysia though. I went to the supermarket to get some stuff, the woman there starts full speed Japanese at me, I figured out she was asking about a bag, so I managed to say the word for one, which I later found out was wrong, supposed to use some kind of counter word. It seems like no one speaks english here, which is pretty cool.
Getting out of Singapore was a sweaty time, the guy at the airport told me I had 38kg of stuff, but it's ok this time....But when I after I checked in my bags I realised I stunk like a chronic sweat hog, and my shirts were all in the bags. So I went into the perfume shop at the airport and started trying on all the perfumes, the girls working there just looked and tried to give me those little bits of paper you're supposed to spray it on. The plan didn't really work, it just meant that certain parts of me smelt like a mixture of sweat and various aftershaves, while the rest of me just smelt.
I have to write about the trip from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, I don't wanna sound like a whiner, but it was something. I carried my stuff to the bus stop, which was only about 400m, but it's so hot that the sweat was running down my face and filling up my eyes, thing is I wasn't exerting myself that much. When I got to the bus stop I was a bit irritated, then there was chaos with the buses everywhere. I found my bus and went to get on, then the driver just stood there shaking his head and pointing at the bus, refusing to look at my ticket. So I got on, then he came to tell me not to hang my stuff from the curtains and to put it in the compartment up the top, though he refused to use any english, just pointing, I was saying I understand, then he opened the compartment and hit me in the head with the door, so I told him to fuck off. Anyway, settin the scene here. Coz then I got comfortable in my seat, and was eating some chips, when someone came on and said we had to change buses, so I took my 38kgs of shit to another bus and got on that and made myself comfortable, on the way I tried to get someone to look at my ticket, but they still refused. After a few minutes another mong get's on and tells us to switch again, back to the first bus, so I get on and yell at the driver some more, and some other random characters standing around.
Then the bus was ready, late by now, so it seems they wait around to keep us an even whole hour late, and fit on all the people who would've caught the bus an hour later. The bus get's going, I think he doesn't want to turn on the airconditioner, cause it's hot... And finally to piss me off we get abandoned at the Singapore border, and have to make are own way into the city with public transport, guess I bought a ticket to Singapore, didn't say where in Singapore, 1 metre over the border is enough....
This is too long, no one will read this far. My last meal in Singapore was good though, a met a drunk Indian who talked at me, mostly it was about various hookers and strip clubs. But every tale began with a country "Canada, yes I was there, very nice, I went to Montreal, very nice, I had sex with 3 girls there, black, with huge boobs....." Then it was another city, different type of girls, I got my camera out and filmed him, he had no idea...

04 September, 2005


I'm off to Singapore again tommorrow, I'll arrive in Japan on Wednesday and start my new life as a Japanese....better be good. Kind of funny to leave, I think I'm most scared of carrying those goddam cases again, now that I've bought more shit. I spent yesterday travelling back from Thailand, started at 6.30am and got here at 10.30 pm, solid riding. The first half of the day was in a van(Air Con they say), hot as hell, with about 1 cubic cm of leg room, after 5 hours we got to Hat Yai, where we changed to a big nice coach, oh yeah. Just as we pulled in the woman next to me started throwing up, couldn't wait the last 2 minutes.
I always think of all this crap I want to write on here as I'm walking around, then when I sit here to type my mind is a complete blank....urrrr. Has anyone realised how hard it is to walk up an escalator when it's not moving, the brain just doesn't want to move the legs, unbelievable, just happenned on the way in. Now I'm rambling, gonna lose my audience. I had a hair cut today, cheap, from an Indian guy, problem was trying to explain what I wanted him to do, I was scared I was gonna get a standard Indian job, then I'd have to buy a stylish long sleeve shirt and sensible trousers and start hanging out on corners.
Think I'll go and spend some money, next blogg'll be from Japan, expecting oddness.