12 October, 2005

Oriental Passage

Because the thing which a ball appears most in Shinjuku
Our supporter in this store. As for this store.
The way that a ball like the sun bursts open
is the order of this store.
Love a ball is, ORIENTAL PASSAGE

Pure gold, this was a sign outside a pachinko arcade, try if you will to make sense of it, I don't think it would even mean anything transalted to Japanese. The best bit is that some of the sentences aren't even sentences. For those that don't know, pachinko is this incredibly exciting gambling game were you buy a bucket of balls and put them into a machine, then get to spned the next few hours watching them drop through a bunch of little pins and platforms, at the end if the ball lands in one spot you win, if not, you don't. Sounds exciting?? I know, I get excited just thinking about it. To think how lucky I was working in the nut factory watching nuts go through the machine, now I can spend all my free time staring at balls falling through slots, I see why it's a national obsession.
Anyway, the sign was one of the best things I've seen in this country. I was lucky enough to be taken to this place by Mike(on holiday from Sydney), his cousin, and her Japanese husband. In the same area there were bars and restuarants, most restuarants have plastic models outside showing the dishes they served, unfortunately we had just eaten, cause my mouth started to water when I found the restuarant that served the football sized fishhead on a plate with some salad, yummy!!! I'll have to come back to this one....
I don't wanna sound like one of those bitching foreigners, but some stuff must be laughed at. I saw in my local supermarket they sell rockmelon(canteloupe), and what a bargain, only 2000 Yen each(AU$25, NOK 125, 10 pounds), so I bought a few, been eating them for every meal.
I met a Finnish woman in Malaysia who lives here, she offered to show me around, so we met up, had a coffee and a chat. She told me how Japanese men were afraid of her, in a way I could understand, she was small, but she looked like she could rip a man's balls off in one swift motion. Though she was cool, we hung out, interesting character, problem is she's been here 5 years or so, so she pointed out all these bad things about Japan, that I hadn't noticed, like that they have a tendency to act like a bunch of robots, so after that I was sitting on the train freaking out at them all. Anyway, she was a hardcore chick. There's an american "chick" at work who took offense to me refering to her as a chick, so I asked the Finn if she found it offensive and she said she thought it was a compliment. Chicks man.
The japs can be a bit unimaginative at times, the other day I tried to get my students to think of a famous building, and we'd play a guessing game, so I gave them a minute to think of one. Then i asked if they were ready, they just sat there with blank faces, "c'mon guys, anything, any building". No, nothing, god knows how they manage to come up with all these crazy inventions.
And to end this I'll say that the weather is lovely now, nice and cool, yet not freezing.


Blogger Brett said...

Man, I found a cool thing the other day, that had all these balls rolling through this thing and hitting all these little drums and stuff and making different sounds, then going back up a lift to start again. I must've spent half an hour watching it. It rocked.

22/10/05 07:39  

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