11 November, 2005

............untitled blog no.22947

Man I have a sore back today, dunno what I did, think it might've been the darts I played last night, intense physical action. Made me lurk around like an old man, since most of the time at work is spent sitting in seats while teaching I was stuck in the bent over position everytime I had to get up between lessons and do things....argh, a glimpse of my future maybe, next time I should take a wheel chair.
Like I said last night I played some darts, in a kind of Mexican-Cowboy themed bar, was interesting. It was in a basement, you had to duck to get in through the last part of the entrance, and all the walls were jagged and crooked like the old buildings they used to make in the good ol' days. I believed it was true, a nice change from the right angle accuracy and factory sealed robot precision that is the majority of Japanese buildings...then of course I touched a wall and realised it was hollow, an empty fibre glass facade, like most things in Japan....ohhhh.
After a bit of darts we headed out, ended up basically crossing the street where we found a place with cheap beers, which was all we wanted. I think it's called an izikaiya, kind like a restaurant, so then they try to give us all this food, but I wasn't that hungry. Eventually we got some, couldn't resist the fact that we had our own mini grill type thing on the table, so we got to cook our own meat. The meat looked fine, then of course I was told that it was cow tongue, it was a bit chewy...looked like bacon, only thing is, when I eat cow tongue, I'd rather be told after that it was cow tongue, not before that it is. Of course what else is there to do after you've finished eating and you have a massive burning pot on your table, why not take part in a ritual chop stick burning, along with some extra tooth pics thrown in for added effect. Still I dunno where my back got so screwed up, cow tongues aren't bad for the spine are they?
Anyway, the other day I was chatting to my oldest friend Ross, who I've known for most of my life(amazing), he was drunk in the UK, I haven't seen him for a few years, so it was a bit nostalgic. We were talking about the river were we used to hang out as youngsters, swimming around and harassing cows and throwing the dog in the river amongst other things. After chatting I was feeling a bit nostalgic and I went to the supermarket, though my mind was out the window, just thinking about the river, I had no idea I was in a supermarket. Still I managed to get my stuff, the way the system works here is that you get your stuff and then you have to take the basket to this bench where you can put it all in bags. Somehow with my mind in the river I missed the bench stage and just wandered out with all my stuff in the basket. So I was strolling home and I heard someone running up behind me speaking Japanese and I thought "What's going on here?". Then they get to me and I realise I'm still holding everything in the basket, though we couldn't speak to each other, I figured they thought I was trying to steal the stuff. And what a getaway I was making, slowly wandering up the street with my stolen products in plain view right outside the supermarket. So I gave them the universal hand sign for being a mong and having my mind out the window, and they looked at my receipt and then the main guy sent his back up buddy away, assessing that the situation was in order. Guess they thought that being foreign I was too dumb to figure out that I had to leave the basket behind.
On a positive note, even though this post isn't overly negative(is it?), my students the other other day said I was (quote)"smart and handsome""(I) look like a movie star", so beat that. This was based on my ability to explain the difference between fraternal and identical twins. Enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of my students think I am very pretty....Well, they are 10 years old, so I guess it doesn't count, does it? At least yours are old enough to know what they are saying! Lucky you...!-)

Your blog is great, I get to learn a lot about Japan.

11/11/05 20:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moive star???
*cough**cough* *choke*

Flatery will get u eveywhere hey?

Hope all is good in tokyo-ku. All is v good back here in sydney. Summer is on!
Will send u a link to some of my japan trip photos when I get around to uploading 'em.
ps I stole/borrowed a copy of yr photo of mr charisma - its much better thean mine.

11/11/05 23:38  
Blogger Brett said...

Well the funny thing it was a guy who said I was handsome, but I don't think there was any connotation of a deviant nature....I hope, he's married with kids. All photos taken must be paid for before use, no excuses.

12/11/05 05:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cheque is in the mail

15/11/05 01:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pannakake,
I should tune in more often.
Enjoying the occasional read.

22/11/05 19:44  

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